Gentle acupuncture is a wonderful way to manage the symptoms of chronic illness. Research shows reduction in pain and improvement in quality of life for people living with insomnia, headaches, menstrual issues, and digestive disorders. My primary clinical focus is menstrual and reproductive health. I have supported many people and couples through fertility treatments so they can conceive a child (or twins!).
Acupuncture and related modalities have been used for millennia to help relieve pain. Some of my patients are using acupuncture to get enough pain relief that they can delay surgery or avoid it all together. Some patients are able to use less medication when they have regular acupuncture. Some patients can engage in activities they haven't been able to do for 25 years because they've been in too much pain.
I practice a gentle style of acupuncture, drawing from multiple Japanese styles. My training emphasized pulse diagnosis and palpation to determine the necessary treatment. I typically use shallow needle insertions or non-insertive needling techniques. I often include bodywork (shiatsu or sotai) and other modalities: moxibustion, cupping, gua sha, polarity tools, and shonishin.
Acupuncture and related modalities have been used for millennia to help relieve pain. Some of my patients are using acupuncture to get enough pain relief that they can delay surgery or avoid it all together. Some patients are able to use less medication when they have regular acupuncture. Some patients can engage in activities they haven't been able to do for 25 years because they've been in too much pain.
I practice a gentle style of acupuncture, drawing from multiple Japanese styles. My training emphasized pulse diagnosis and palpation to determine the necessary treatment. I typically use shallow needle insertions or non-insertive needling techniques. I often include bodywork (shiatsu or sotai) and other modalities: moxibustion, cupping, gua sha, polarity tools, and shonishin.